As the world waited for news on whether the House would pass the debt ceiling deal on Monday, stocks in Italy came under heavy pressure with the country's banks again seeing heavy losses.
Italy's borrowing costs soared on Thursday as it sold nearly 8 billion euros of bonds, with jitters about its debt pile pushing its benchmark 10-year bond yield to the highest in 11 years.
In the euro zone, the fiscal crisis is lapping on Italy’s shores. In the US, the administration declares it will run out of funding early next month if the debt ceiling is not raised. Far fewer Europeans than Americans believe public sector defaults are beneficial, according to the FT.
Italian bond yields are up, stocks are down, and Prime Minister Berlusconi is vowing quick passage of an austerity plan. But the real problem is the euro.
For more than two years, we have witnessed the economic demise of several European countries. This soon led to the financial community systematically assessing the health of several peripheral southern European countries, tumbling investment grade ratings and spikes in required rates of return...
Some market players have said Italy will be the next to ask for a bailout but *Federico Ghizzoni, chief executive of Italian bank Unicredit, told CNBC that the country is in a totally different situation than Greece.
S&P cut its outlook on Italian debt at the weekend, citing fear over its growth record, weak reform process and the likely impact of reducing its high government debt.
هذا الموقع يستخدم ملفات تعريف الارتباط (الكوكيز ) للمساعدة في تخصيص المحتوى وتخصيص تجربتك والحفاظ على تسجيل دخولك إذا قمت بالتسجيل.
من خلال الاستمرار في استخدام هذا الموقع، فإنك توافق على استخدامنا لملفات تعريف الارتباط.