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    أبرز البيانات والأحداث الاقتصادية التي ستؤثر على الأسواق العالمية هذا الأسبوع

    تراقب الأسواق الأسبوع الحالي العديد من البيانات الهامة التي قد تقود تحركات الأصول ولا سيما بيانات التضخم الأميركية، فبعد صدور بيانات الوظائف الأميركية بنهاية الأسبوع المنصرم وتراجع البطالة أصبحت الأسواق تسعر رفع الفدرالي الفائدة 75 نقطة أساس مجدداً خلال اجتماع نوفمبر. ومن المنتظر أيضاً أن نستمع...
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    تركيب موشر news dailyfx

    السلام عليكم اخواني اطلب مساعدة في تركيب موشر news daily fx على منصتي التداول cetrader لاتضهرالأخبار على المنصة
  3. طارق جبور

    Bad news for richest 1% as luxury firms hike prices

    Luxury brands are mulling more inflation-busting price rises, in the face of strong foreign exchange headwinds and changing Chinese shopping habits. more...
  4. طارق جبور

    For Indians abroad, rupee's plunge is great news

    While the free-fall in the rupee threatens to worsen India's economic fundamentals by widening the trade deficit and stoking inflation, the country's citizens living overseas aren't sweating it. more...
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    Big news for next week

    big news for next week
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    4xPartner news أبحث عن مؤشر

    السلام عليكم إخوتي الآفاضل محتاج مساعدة في إيجاد مؤشر 4xPartner news وشكرا جزيلا
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    أخبار العملات وتقارير الفوركس اللحظية -forex news

    متحدث باسم وزارة الخارجية السورية يقول ان دمشق وافقت على طلب الجامعة العربية بارسال مراقبين الى سورية، والجامعة لم تعلق حتى الآن.
  8. طارق جبور

    Stocks Surge on EU Rescue Fund News

    Stocks soared to session highs after the Guardian reported that France and Germany have agreed to boost the EU rescue fund, with Mark Jordahl, US Bancorp Wealth Mgmt.; and Steve Neimeth, SunAmerica Asset Mgmt. more...
  9. طارق جبور

    Breaking News: UTX Eyes Goodrich

    CNBC's David Faber reports UTX is in talks to acquire Goodrich for $110 to $125/share, with CNBC's Melissa Lee and the Money in Motion traders. more...
  10. طارق جبور

    Euro Struggles, Aussie Wary Ahead of Rate News

    The euro wallowed at one-month lows against the greenback in Asia on Tuesday, while commodity currencies nursed heavy losses as concerns about the health of the global economy prompted investors to dump riskier assets.* more...
  11. طارق جبور

    Friday Look Ahead: Markets Watching for More Bad News From Europe

    With no fresh U.S. economic data to rattle markets Friday, traders are bracing for another ill wind from Europe. more...
  12. طارق جبور

    El-Erian: Making Sense of Today's News

    Why isn’t the price of US Treasuries falling after the S&P downgrade; why are equities under pressure; and why is gold surging? Developments in Treasuries appear, at first sight, the most puzzling. more...
  13. طارق جبور

    Euro Rallies on News of French, German Deal

    The euro rallied against the U.S. dollar in Asia on Thursday On news Germany and France had agreed a joint position on a debt bailout for Greece, fuelling hopes for real progress after so many false starts. more...
  14. طارق جبور

    Gossip and Rolling News Boost Twitter

    Use of the internet-based messaging service Twitter is soaring, particularly from smartphones, according to new surveys and company executives, reported the FT. more...
  15. طارق جبور

    Greek Chorus of Bad News for the Euro

    The euro had a nice run this week - but investors are turning on it today, and this pro thinks there is more to come. more...